Site Manager

Salary: £260.00 - £290.00 per day

  • Bridport, Dorset
  • Construction White Collar and Freelance
  • Temporary

We are looking for an experienced site manager to take on the project of stabilizing the banks in Bridport. If you have experience in managing earth-works packages / projects, or a background in QA engineering then this role might be for you.
The ideal candidate will have an SMSTS, CSCS and first aid as well as the experience mentioned above.
Role includes:
-Liaising with the main contractor.
-Ordering / managing materials for the subcontractor package.
-Health and Safety.
If you’re available and interested apply now or call Lydia on 07785628356 for more information.

Job Reference: LBSMBRIDPORT_1697436504

Salary: £260.00 - £290.00 per day

Salary per: Day

Job Duration:

Job Start Date:

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